Thursday, 07 July 2022

S13 EP 511 Plus 3 = Genius

It's another week of the "two of us".  While Rusty braves the harsh north in search of better internet, Jason and Nauss dig in on some "oldies but goodies" as well as some real indie gems. Nauss also talks a bit about an alpha experience with the upcoming "Endless Dungeon".  If you have listened to us for a while, you will know that this is a big deal.  Tune in! Episode
Saturday, 02 July 2022

S13 EP 510 Curmudgeon Gamer

We are back and it's just in time to distract you during the 4th.  We talk about some "oldies" but "goodies" as well as a couple of new releases.  Tune in for a quick duo episode to tide you over this week!  Episode
Rusty is still out fighting the lone dark north looking for a way to record, in the meantime, you have Nauss and Jason!  Tune in for quite the discussion on indie games and some good oldies! Episode
Thursday, 16 June 2022

S13 EP 508 Not Sixty Dollar Mad

We are back!  For the moment it's Nauss and Jason talking "comfort quality" gaming while we do another duo cast since Rusty is out for the moment.  Tune in for for some games as well as the start of Summer Game Fest! Episode
Friday, 03 June 2022

S13 EP 507 Basically Canadian

Hey it's the Tiltcast!  We are back and basically this is the last time all three of us are in the same room!  Announcement incoming!  Btw, we talk a lot about indie games.  Tune in! Episode
Wednesday, 25 May 2022

S13 EP 506 Gable It Up

It's the Tiltcast and we are back!  We are still sans one Rusty and it's just Nauss and Jason this week.  We talk quite a bit about some games as well as some current news.  Tune in for a very game centered episode!  Episode
Friday, 13 May 2022

S13 EP 505 Chad Mcfarland

It's a Rustyless cast.  While he is traveling across middle America, Justin and Jason dig in to some strategy and podcast games.  We also dig in to what we found interesting with PAX East! Tune in! Episode
Saturday, 07 May 2022

S13 EP 504 Jason Post Code

The trio is together once again to deliver quite a bit of talk about games and food this week!  We talk some old and some new as well as a full review of Weird West as well.  Tune in! Episode
It's the Tiltcast!  We are back in full flavor this week going back through some old and new with the vidjagames this week!  Tune in as we go through food and reliving old gaming experiences!  Tune in! Episode
Friday, 22 April 2022

S13 EP 502 Sleepzza

The three of us are back yet again for a final show for now featuring Elden Ring.  in the absence of this game, we are trying new things!  Hang with us as we intentionally try to shorten our show.  Tune in!  Episode
Friday, 15 April 2022

S13 EP 501 Pounding Monsters

Well the boys are at it again.  This time with just two releases.  We have two folks on the team that have beat Elden Ring though this time we are sans one Rusty.  Nauss and Jason go through our final review of one of the most prolific games of the last several years.  Lastly, Jason started on Death Stranding finally.  Tune in!  It's a fun filled week! Episode
Tuesday, 29 March 2022

S13 EP 500 Chili Fe Steak

Hey folks, we are back on EPISODE 500!!!!! That's half a thousand!  You guessed it, we talk a ton of Elden Ring!  Yup, tons and tons of Elden Ring.  We also went through why we had a two week hiatus and why we will likely have another two week hiatus.  Tune in for a very full show!  Episode
Thursday, 17 March 2022

S13 EP 499 Rumbly Nuts

We are back!  Just as an aside, we will be skipping one week in recording so please enjoy one of the 499 episodes we have so far.  This week we talk about midlife crisis', video games and classic cars.  Tune in for a more "dadly" episode than last week as well as classic cars.  Tune in!  Episode
Wednesday, 09 March 2022

S13 EP 498 Ribbed for Grip

We are back yet again. It's a wild episode as we talk about things that you can put on your fingers to help your fingers from getting too dry.  We also talk quite a bit about games.  It's a very immature episode.  Tune in for games and dumb jokes.  Tune in! Episode
Wednesday, 02 March 2022

S13 EP 497 Forbidden Dawn

Its another duo cast with Rusty and Nauss.  We go through many many games this week!  Jason is out for his wife's birthday so Happy Birthday Crystal!  Tune in for a very game filled episode with very lengthy reviews tonight.  Tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 22 February 2022

S13 EP 496 Worsh Yer Shishter

We are back yet again!  It's a duo cast tonight with Rusty and Nauss!  Tune in for a lot of discussion about Dying Light, Lost Ark and Horizon.  Tune in!  Episode
Monday, 14 February 2022

S13 EP 495 Slide Horse

We are back yet again for the non V Day edition of the Tiltcast.  This week we dive in to the weirdness that is being potentially catfished as well.  There's hair whips involved.  Tune in! Episode
Thursday, 10 February 2022

S13 EP 494 Two Man Dudes

Better late than never!  We are back with just Justin and Jason together yet again for a quick episode to talk about some games we had just started.  We have some quick discussions on our preliminary findings from the games we started this week.  Tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 01 February 2022

S13 EP 493 15 Inches of Coffee

We are back for the first regular episode of Season 13.  We had to hold a lot back while we recorded our GOTY episode so we let it all out this week.  Tune in for a ton of catch up and gaming discussion, check it! Episode
Friday, 21 January 2022

S13 EP 492 GOTY Part 2

It's the last episode for our GOTY!  Tune in while we figure out what our worst 3, best overall remake, personal top fives and the Tiltcast top 10 of 2021!  It's amazing that we were able to even play the amount of games we did last year because let's face it, 2021 mostly sucked!   It's the second episode of Season 13, tune in!!!!! Episode              
Friday, 14 January 2022

S13 EP 491 GOTY Part 1

We are finally back for the first episode of SEASON 13!!!!! It's GOTY time!  Listen as we rapid fire through about 60 games to break down our ratings for the year!  Keep in mind that this is a rough first draft and that next week we will see which games we liked and disliked the most!  Tune in! Episode
Wednesday, 22 December 2021

S12 EP 490 The SS Final Fantasy

It's the last episode of the year!  We discuss the last little bit of game "clean up" we have so far for 2021.  We also go through a fair bit of news. Tune in! Episode
Wednesday, 15 December 2021

S12 EP 489 Bring the Salt

It's been busy around the holidays over here at Tiltcast Inc! Jason and Justin sat down to discuss some of the things they have been playing over the break.  It's the second to last episode of the year!  Click it! Episode
Friday, 19 November 2021

S12 EP 488 Believe in the BIrd

It's another short week with the Tiltcast!  We will have another skipped week next week due to the holiday.  While you drive or fly, hear our thoughts on Age of Empires 4 and some additional new survival titles!  Tune in for a very game centered episode! Episode
Friday, 05 November 2021

S12 EP 487 Soup Kitchen

We are back yet again!  This month we are going to have some gaps in episodes as it is the holidays and the boys have plans.  We go over Jason's hot tub time lapse and talk a lot of general BS.  We also go over some AOE 4, Mass Effect Remake and the Lost Ark Beta and how it holds up so far!  Tune in! Episode    
Friday, 29 October 2021

S12 EP 486 40 Year Old Juvies

This was recorded two days before All Hallows Eve!  We are back, expletives included, for another week of Final Fantasy talk with some additional talk about actual games.  We also go through the BS as usual.  It's not scary, just tacky - tune in! Episode
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