Saturday, 15 April 2023

S14 EP 543 Moist Contrast

We really did some stuff for science or maybe fun.  We talk quite a bit about the new EA golf game but also switched gears and talked about a roguelike sushi game as well as a space game.  Tune in for one of the most diverse episodes we've done in a while.  Episode

TBag Random Fact
A ten-year-old mattress weighs double what it did when it was new due to debris that it absorbs over time. That debris includes dust mites (their droppings and decaying bodies), mold, millions of dead skin cells, dandruff, animal and human hair, secretions, excretions, lint, pollen, dust, soil, sand, and a lot of perspiration, which the average person loses at a rate of a quart a day. Good night!

Bonus Rounds!

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