Wednesday, 24 April 2019

S10 375 Two Finger Mouse Destroyer

P-Power P-Pow!!! Holy hell we didn't scream on this episode! We got a new recording rig and we dove into a ton of indie games. We did a healthy bit of Division update talk while talking a lot about some indie games. Tune in for a much more normal episode of the Tiltcast. It's not Easter Themed, tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 16 April 2019

S10 374 Rusty Will Rise, Again

Never say never, never say "Die" Rusty... One lost episode later, we are BACK! Rusty isn't dead. This episode is named in his honor. We will regale you with yet another quality episode. We have the recording rig back and we are in our "not so rare" form. This episode isn't Easter Themed, we promise! It's just full of "P Bombs!" We talk the normal amount of bull up front and we do talk a lot about games towards the end. Tune in for a very worth waiting for episode! Episode
Wednesday, 03 April 2019

S10 373 Some People Like Vanilla

Not all men cry...and some men can't peel shrimp! Jason sounded like Batman for a week so we skipped a week. We are back loud and proud and ready to roll! We talk about what movies have the largest sadness potential and what makes that mountain of obsidian, Jason, get Misty. We talk about the proper way to eat seafood. We also talk about some pre PAX news as well as a deep dive into the Division 2 and some thoughts on Sekiro. Tune in! Episode
Friday, 22 March 2019

S10 372 D.N.D.

Welcome to Rusty's Animal Sanctuary! It's the TILTCAST! We got some Netflix discussion out of the way, talk Werewolves and mods. We also dig way in depth with the Division 2 and continue our discussion about Metro: Exodus. It's a fairly long episode with a short interruption Tune in! Episode
Thursday, 14 March 2019

S10 371 The Tape Bothers Him

It's Only Creepy if You Take it That Way... Fat Bombs, Air Fryers and keto smok'n aside. We do talk video games. The through-line of this episode is antagonizing Rusty's OCD. Have you ever seen a cat's reaction to tape? Basically the same thing. Listen to a show about VR, Division and getting back into Elite Dangerous. Tune in! Episode
Monday, 11 March 2019

S10 370 Put On Your War Face

It's really "Ruff" We don't actually like ICP, it's just the continued absurdity that continues to be a flow-through on this show. We do a short Netflix Review and talk about the Umbrella Academy as well as plenty of "sick" stories. It's a "ruff" week for vomit tales. We also dig in to our VR journey since Rusty finally has four sensors for his Oculus. Tune in for gaming, sickness and dogs. Episode
Friday, 01 March 2019

S10 369 Scrub Vigorously

Daddy Duck Is Terry Crews! Quack Quack Motherf****! This week we talk about man scaping, hand waxing, Rusty's OCD, and many other random topics. If you need help with your VR rig, tune in for more "Motherducking" fun. We talk about our views on b-tier games as well as Twitter and internet trolls. You will hear a lengthy discussion on the current atmosphere of games reviews. Tune in for a very opinionated podcast! Episode
Wednesday, 27 February 2019

S10 368 No Sun Spreading

WTF Rusty! WHAT THE F***! "It's the week of love and sex and you did nothing?" Say no to sunspreading! It's a very random week here at the Tiltcast! It's the day after Valentine's Day and two of the three may or may not be barely out of the doghouse. Tune in for some real life talk after 20 minutes of digital talk and then some games. Say NO TO SUNSPREADING! Don't troll Jason too hard... Episode
Thursday, 21 February 2019

S10 367 You Could Be A Turtle

Turrrrrrrrtle We talk about our favorite caffeinated drinks and why most of them actually suck. It's a weird part of the year where we don't have a lot in the way of too much new coming up in the world of gaming. You are going to get some low carb goodness along with a lot of talk about betas and the current state of gaming. Tune in for some fun that doesn't have anything to do with football and everything to do about food and gaming! Episode
Wednesday, 13 February 2019

S10 366 The Squeak

SPOOOOOOOON!!! Did you all know that Rusty can Squeak? This week we talk about the near death experience of our official mascot, deep dish pizza, video games and the absence of having to do a GOTY episode. It's the Tiltcast in regular form, no scripting and moar jokes. Tune in! Episode
Friday, 01 February 2019

S10 365 GOTY 2019 - Part 2

This is the END of the end of the Game of the Year Podcast. Tune in for a very lengthy discussion on our personal top 10 lists, our site top 10 and Nimp's top 10. This is the second half of our two part special. Tune in! Categories: Totally Biased Best Game (Full Top 10)... Personal Top 10 Lists... Totally Biased Worst Game... The Brown NOTE... Episode
Friday, 01 February 2019

S10 364 GOTY 2019 - Part 1

This is the beginning of the end of the Game of the Year Podcast. Tune in for a very lengthy discussion on what did and did not make our top 10! This is going to be released as a two part special. Tune in to Episode 2 immediately following this one! Categories: Totally Biased Best Game (List Only)... Wish I had Finished... Biggest Surprise... Most Overhyped... Worth a Mention... Biggest Timesink... Best VR... Episode
Beat that Saber! Hey we finally got into VR. It's US. It's the Second EPISODE OF THE YEAR. It's the beginning of our Beat Saber addiction. You will find out the further we go on that we are going to lose weight playing that game. Tune in for a little bit of BS along with some lengthy discussion on door socks. Listen! Episode
Wednesday, 09 January 2019

S10 362 F#@! People - Make Farms

This episode is 100% not Vegan... It's the first episode of 2019! We talk cheat days, VR, farming games, Jason actually gaming and Rusty's pizza rolls. Listen in for an episode stuffed full of VR, dining, video games and shenanigans! Tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 01 January 2019

S10 361 She Sounds Hideous

Shout Out to "Jake from State Farm" This week, on the Tiltcast: Jason is not an electrician. Rusty is a Grinch. Nauss isn't playing any more GOTY games. 7 Days to Die is still a good game. Strategy games are awesome and Rusty is playing new things. Tune in for trolling, holiday antics and general shenanigans. Listen! Episode
Sunday, 30 December 2018

S09 The Worth Is In The Girth

Right in the Ding Dong! It's probably going to be the last episode we post this year though not the very last episode we recorded. Bob the Builder talk aside, we dig in to some board gaming with Kingdom Death. After we speak to monster 'wang', we jump into video games and other topics. Tune in for a fun episode! Hope you all had a fantastic holiday! Episode
Friday, 21 December 2018

S09 Between Three And Six Inches

Definitions Definitely Differ... This week we have a blast with fill in Casey! While there were plenty of dick jokes to go around, we do come back to gaming as well as a fun discussion about Twitch's own Sweet Anita. It's a very high energy episode, tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 11 December 2018

S09 358 Strip For The PC Master Race

Word of the day is "Circulose" meaning "Derived of Circles" Pro tip, don't try to max out when you haven't worked out in 7 years. It really hurts. Another Pro Tip, "circulose" is really not a thing. It is not derived from circles. It is an element of sweetness. Turkey thieves aside, tune in for a little bit of shenanigans, hefty game discussion and a full show hands on for The Tetris Effect! Episode
Monday, 26 November 2018

S09 357 Horse Mechanics II

Sock in Cock Water Beer, Blech!!!! If you aren't familiar with our "Horse Mechanics" episode, dig back about 300 episodes and you will find it somewhere. Man we go into games this week! It's a little late, we all had our Turkey Day and we are just now posting this. We really dig in on Red Dead, Fallout 76 and Warframe this week. We also want to provide a quick PSA. Low Carb Corona is literally the worst alcholic beverage Nauss has ever tasted. Do not indulge. Tune in for a very game passionate episode! Episode
Monday, 19 November 2018

S09 356 Eviscerations For All

Warframe? WARFRAME!!! Rusty fully expected to be trolled but we gave him an hour to talk some Warframe. There's a fair amount of talk about Don't Starve Hamlet and Red Dead but the episode was recorded within hours of the Fortuna Release. We do "yuck it up" at the beginning but move into some very specific impressions of Red Dead 2 and Fortuna. Tune in for a very in depth episode! Episode
Wednesday, 07 November 2018

S09 355 The Cleft

This episode comes with a butt-chin! Okily dokily neighbors! We are back! Jason has shaved his beard and it's "awesome". With "dad stache" in full effect, we move into an in depth conversation on Castlevania Season 2. We also talk quite a bit about Red Dead Redemption 2. Rusty has some very valid concerns on Fallout 76 while Nauss is still diving in all free time on it. Listen in for a "Flanderesque facial hair adventure, stay tuned! Episode
Friday, 02 November 2018

S09 354 For A Narwhal

Saline Saves! We had technical difficulties and lost EP 353. We apologize. However, tune in for a very oddball episode on second, second Halloween. Tune in for Ghost, video games, beer, moonshine and stupid antics! Episode
Thursday, 01 November 2018

S09 353 The Most Amazing Episode

This was a truly amazing installment to the Tiltcast catalog. Unfortunately, Justin went on a protein and Mountain Dew fueled rage as he dropped out of Ketosis. In his metabolic self destruction, he turned over the recording station before bursting through the door and out into the inky dark night. Sadly, the episode was lost. Also, that dude Rusty was trampled to death by Justin's size 5 feet.  Episode
Wednesday, 24 October 2018

S09 352 He's in the Mitt

Turtle Up and Tune in! Holy hell it's another episode. It's a special episode sans Rusty. We invite long time supporter 'Grandpa Matt' to the show to talk video gaming, table top gaming and of course the Spiderman game. Tune in for a very different episode! Episode
Saturday, 06 October 2018

S09 351 I'm Going Hungry

This week we have the weakest harmony every for the intro! It's going to be a hell of a show. Just so you all know, it's going to be the only show for a couple of weeks as Rusty is out of town. We talk Bard's Tale IV, more Warframe and Battletech along with some indie games. Tune in! Episode
Sunday, 23 September 2018

S09 350 KF Swole

Fit in those PANTS! We promise we don't talk about work! We are tired, we are stretched thin, we are still doing this thing! This is brought to you with all the love in the world. We are getting further overweight with all the overtime we are putting in but we are still doing this thing! Tune in for a very Tiltcast episode! Episode
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