Friday, 29 November 2019

S10 EP 401 Bat Knuckle

Parenting and Bat Dad jokes aside, we are back!  Just in case you are wondering, the cover to the episode is Jason as Bad Knuckle!  During the middle of this episode you can hear us react to the 2k Hack that went viral for about a day.  We also talk about why Gamestop is just weird today.  Tune in for an episode with a little BS and a lot of game talk! Episode
Friday, 22 November 2019

S10 EP 400 Patchy Sasquatch

We talk BEARDS of all shapes and sizes.  Welcome to the beard cast!  It's a cast about beards and guns.  Holy crap it's mantastic!  We move into movies and games right after.  Tune in for more Destiny along with some Outer Worlds! Episode
Friday, 15 November 2019

S10 399 Bread and Milk

This week we talk about a finished NVME build that Nauss finally completed.  We also talk about the state of the south during inclement weather.  We talk puppies, migraines and jerks who jackhammer streets.  We also talk about vidja games.   Tune in for a well rounded episode of pitties, migraines and The Outer Worlds.  Stay tuned! Episode
Friday, 01 November 2019

S10 398 Lemon Face

This week at the Tiltcast, we do some literal science experiments with flavor.  We also talk more about how much puppies hate NPCs and so much more.  We have our opening thoughts on the Outer Worlds and speak some more on Destiny 2: Shadowkeep.  Tune in! Episode
Friday, 25 October 2019

S10 397 Assaster

This week we reflected  on last week's disaster.  It's an a "assaster".  That's not the only disaster though.  New PC build has been a sh**show.  What it isn't is the same disaster that Blizzard is finding themselves in.  We do get into some pretty opinionated territory by the news section of this episode.  Tune in! Episode            
Friday, 18 October 2019

S10 396 Basic

This week we dive into a new AMD PC build!  We also talk about how basic Nauss really is.  Pumpkin spice is nice and so are comfy and cool mornings with cuddles and Katy Perry.  All this aside, we dive very deep into Destiny 2, Deep Rock Galactic and Children of Morta.  It's the Tiltcast and we are tingly!  Tune in! Episode
Friday, 11 October 2019

S10 395 Atari Age

How old do you need to be to get your backside checked?  This is an episode to help understand that particular issue.  Rusty was pretty much just an old person the week before.  We dive into life for a while and then jump into a ton of games.  It's a mostly keto free episode!  Tune in! Episode
Saturday, 28 September 2019

S10 394 No Bone Zone

Holy hell it's been a week!  Sleep deprivation is theme this week.  It's being posted a bit late but better late than never!  Welcome to the bone zone!  This title has multiple meanings this week.  If you have to count, I think there are five separate references that all relate to the fabled "bone zone".  Rusty took a game-cation and dove into Borderlands 3.  Jason stuck to his guns and got more time in South Park: The Fractured But Whole and Nauss goes back into Gears of War 5.  It's a fun episode, tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 24 September 2019

S10 393 Spiderguy

It's the Friday the 13th show released a little later than the 13th.  We talk about bad luck a fair amount before diving into how basic we are when it comes to fall.  We also talk spiders for some odd reason.  Moving on to games, we give some impressions on how good game pass is being these days.  Tune in! Episode
Thursday, 19 September 2019

S10 392 Pickle Pouch

This week we tried a bit too hard to make phallic references.  Teenage humor aside, we talk a bit about car shopping and refried pork rinds.  We talk pickles and how to appropriately eat them.  We talk skins and dip.  We dig in to some backlogs as well as talking about the girth of gaming that we have experienced over the last week.  Tune in! Episode
Monday, 02 September 2019

S10 391 De-Bearding

It's a great week for recording!  We talk about how Nauss is like a little-boy-turtle-man after his annual shearing.  We discuss our recent migration to actual semi professionalism along with a lot of news and games.  We do speak to some new games this week as well more side scrollers.  Tune in for a very full episode! Episode
Monday, 26 August 2019

S10 390 Butt Rub on His Chub

This week, Jason and Rusty continue their discussion over Detective Pikachu.  We go through a brief history of our overall recordings as well.  We talk about our annual Tribirthday BBQ and make plenty of dumb meat jokes.  Moving forward, we are back to difficult sidescrollers and space games.  Tune in! Episode
Monday, 19 August 2019

S10 389 Seven Biscuits

This week we talk about how many biscuits Jason can fit in his mouth.  These are simple times and simple times calls for simple pleasures.  That doesn't detract from our ability to mock Justin's crappy spectacles or talk about a seven year old's first hardcore show. It's a fun filled episode with tales of long weekends and side scrolling video games.  Tune in! Episode
Friday, 16 August 2019

S10 388 Can of Worms

This week we talk about a lot of streaming video.  In the most spoiler free way we can, we talk about 'The Boys' and 'Cobra Kai'.  We also do talk about some 'Detective Pikachu'. It's a media filled episode that eventually devolves into a fairly long discussion about Nier Automata and Hollow Knight. Tune in! Episode
Monday, 12 August 2019

S10 387 Stifler vs A Hobbit

Dog leaking aside, it's a gameful week! We talk about why poopfingers are bad. We talk about Jason's personal house projects, we talk more keto talk. Nauss picks frames while blind. Sadness ensues. Nauss talks about the Dark Souls boardgame. Animals in cartoons do not have balls. It's a very random episode. Tune in for a very random and fart filled show! Episode
Monday, 05 August 2019

S10 386 Puppy, Holstered

There's a lot of Stranger Things talk with some very minor spoilers. We visit our backlog while talking a few current games. Tune in for some guest vocals from Lola the wonder dog as well as plenty of tame fun such as Jason's kilt and Rusty's man hose. Episode
Wednesday, 24 July 2019

S10 385 Double Bird Monday

This week we talk a lot about stuff that just pisses us off and have some fun with it. Be prepared for sleep deprived punchiness. We also go into some of the games we picked up during the steam sale as well as backlog games. Tune in for a little bit of mild road rage along with some gaming. It's been a double bird week, listen! Episode
Thursday, 18 July 2019

S10 384 Korben Dallas as Jason

Announcements aside, I really don't remember while I named the episode this. Puppy distractions aside give us six and a half minutes to start. It's a goofy episode where we do go through some our "family values" for 4th of July. We also visit some news and games as well. We really do dive in to some Battletech and Division 2 changes as well as describe what Battletech is. Tune in! Episode
Wednesday, 10 July 2019

S10 383 Team Corgi

This week we get splashy with semicolons, not actual colons, and Steam Sales (Team Corgi!). While Rusty finishes up talking about building computers for grandma, we do talk announcements, vidja games and Division 2 News! After Rusty and Jason beat their sabers, we talk about how old Jason is and then speak to Freedom! Tune in for some things and stuff and games! Episode
It's a THICK episode! It's been weeks since we were current as Nauss and Rusty have been gone. It's the Tiltcast and we are back. Only 8 days after recording we are posting it! We talk a lot about E3 as well as several games that have been played since we were current last. Tune in for a very informative episode and a Special Announcement! Episode
Tuesday, 18 June 2019

S10 381 Nerds!

We will be current soon, we promise! We talk quite a bit about Vampire: The Masquerade the actual roleplaying game in lieu of the upcoming title. We also talk a bit about Captain Marvel and Solo. We do get to video games eventually. Tune in for a very nerdy ass show! Episode
Monday, 10 June 2019

S10 380 Naders

This week we have fun as we talk about our experience with Tornados (this is just for you Ian Kost). We also talk about the state of emergency here locally with floods and 'naders. This week we reintroduce the Big Woofer (Zoey) and our other mascot McSqeekins (Lola). We do speak quite a bit about our final impressions of Rage 2. Tune in for a satsifactory episode! Episode
Monday, 03 June 2019

S10 379 It's Splashy

Splashy chicken aside, it's quite the moist episode! Eight years later this show is still M-Rated. We have a lot of fun with this episode while we settle on synonyms for the word MOIST. We do talk games. Rage 2 doesn't hit us the way we want, Satisfactory is pretty amazing and Day's Gone seems to be a hidden gem. Tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 21 May 2019

S10 378 Swap my Pawn

Only posting 10 days after we recorded this. It's ok, we are spreading this for your pleasure. We have some schedules that will be off the next few months so expect us to post to the best of our ability. This week we will talk dog-dadding, new phones, music nerding and video games. We dive fairly deep into Day's Gone as well as Satisfactory. It's a good all around discussion and a good introduction into the variety this show provides. Tune in! Episode
Monday, 13 May 2019

S10 377 Pause for Paws

Puppy!!!!! We talk about not getting spoiled by Avengers or GoT while speaking to the trials and tribulations of gaming while having a puppy. We go through our first impressions of the footage released about Sonic the Hedgehog the Movie. After we fill your brains with nightmare fuel, we move on to our impressions of Satisfactory, Division 2 and Days Gone. Tune in! Episode
Sunday, 05 May 2019

S10 376 Stranger On The Can

A cuter episode than normal... This week we welcome Lola the puppy as mascot number 2 to the original mascot Zoey the wonder dog. We are slightly distracted by overwhelming puppy cuteness though we go through an absolute metric ton of vidja games! Tune in for three full grown men dealing with a puppy and talking games at the same time. Episode
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