Friday, 14 January 2022

S13 EP 491 GOTY Part 1

We are finally back for the first episode of SEASON 13!!!!! It's GOTY time!  Listen as we rapid fire through about 60 games to break down our ratings for the year!  Keep in mind that this is a rough first draft and that next week we will see which games we liked and disliked the most!  Tune in! Episode

TBag Random Fact
Louis was furious. He had a secret warrant drawn up for the child's arrest, and young Seldon was thrown into solitary confinement in the Bastille. His parents, members of one of Europe's richest merchant families, were told simply that the child had disappeared. Days turned to months, months to years, and Louis himself passed away. But Francis spent sixty-nine years "in the hole" for making fun of the king's baldness.

Bonus Rounds!

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