Friday, 22 March 2019

S10 372 D.N.D.

Welcome to Rusty's Animal Sanctuary! It's the TILTCAST! We got some Netflix discussion out of the way, talk Werewolves and mods. We also dig way in depth with the Division 2 and continue our discussion about Metro: Exodus. It's a fairly long episode with a short interruption Tune in! Episode

TBag Random Fact
A ten-year-old mattress weighs double what it did when it was new due to debris that it absorbs over time. That debris includes dust mites (their droppings and decaying bodies), mold, millions of dead skin cells, dandruff, animal and human hair, secretions, excretions, lint, pollen, dust, soil, sand, and a lot of perspiration, which the average person loses at a rate of a quart a day. Good night!

Bonus Rounds!

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