Wednesday, 15 August 2018

S09 345 Rip And Tear

It's a gaming episode for sure. Even so, we manage to get derailed with some food and former goth disease, mammaries and moistness. We dive into some No Man's Sky, a whole lot of rogue likes and talk a bit about the Doom Eternal reveal from Quakecon. Tune in here and experience the oddity that is the Tiltcast! Episode
Monday, 06 August 2018

S09 344 Man O' Lantern

It's the foodcast what have you been eating! We talk manscaping fails, food, problems with physicals and of course video games. Tune in for some "serious" conversation and Star Trek! You will feel it in your bones... Episode
This week we talk about splashy chicken and moist breasts. We talked a lot about good food! We can't help it! Food is great! HOWEVER, we did dive in to some Octopath Traveler, Banner Saga 3 and No Man's Sky Next. Tune in! Episode
Tuesday, 24 July 2018

S09 342 Turn It To Burn

We are 99% Food! New Audio Equipment! Jason understands boobs on this episode! It's yet another episode. We have a new setup! We have new recording equipment and we are sharing things and stuff! It's not Tilt dads except for Jason. We finally gave a proper intro to any new listeners out there. Tune in and listen to us have an amazing food cast plus games. Stay with us! Episode,/a>
WE HAVE DICK JOKES! We talk at length about how we are able to measure up to the best of the rest of the people and things. It's a an episode just thick with "jokes". It's fairly crass and maybe we did talk games. Even though we didn't give Rusty some tasteful sideboob, his nipples are still hard. Stay tuned! Episode
Monday, 09 July 2018

S09 340 Grease Paves the Wa

We have an explosive intro. It's probably the most feeling Nauss has put into anything other than hardcore music. It's a night of story time. We talk some video games but it's after E3 and there's not a lot new. Tune in for some talk of Zeds and tacos. We also talk keto because losing weight is awesome! Episode
ohmysulu.jpg ! E3 has died down. We've given you as many opinions as we can possibly give. It's time to Netflix and Nerd. This week we talk about amature storm chasing, "the big one" and how much the Division has changed. There's a lot going on but we manage to reign it in. Tune in! Episode
Sunday, 17 June 2018

S09 337 Pasture of Potatoes

It's late as usual. It's been a couple weeks of "holidays" or 70 hour work weeks. This is the lead up episode to E3 2018. Stay tuned for more spider scares and general stupidity! There's plenty of arachnophobia to spare. Stay tuned! Episode
You know we had a lot of fun with this episode. We start off with talking about Rusty's new car then move on to some of the games we played while streaming E3. It's a good thing Rusty tints his windows because his clear vampire skin can't take the sun. It's a stinky episode but you will have to find out at the end. Stay tuned for our take on E3 as well as some general jackassery! Episode
Monday, 28 May 2018

S09 336 Re-Juice The Mouth

It's Memorial Day today! It wasn't when we recorded this. Hey, it's US! Stay hydrated today and listen to us get punchy from being too tired to record this! Stay tuned! Episode
Wednesday, 23 May 2018

S09 335 Sounds like Wambo

It's a late blooming episode... We come back to discover why Jason is missing teeth. We talk about games and stuff. We talk RPGs and how ridiculous God of War looks. Stay tuned for an oddball episode! Episode
Sunday, 06 May 2018

S09 334 Baby Cthulu Jesus

Tentacles Seriously, what the hell happened with the title? We know we are posting late but holy hell we had fun on this episode. Stay tuned for giant mechs, stupid jokes and Skyrim of War! Episode
Monday, 30 April 2018

S09 333 Listen Here!

Schwing!!! This week we get started on some God of War! We also make stupid 4/20 jokes and get back into some Elite as well as rogue-like For the King. Stay tuned for shenanigans! Episode
Wednesday, 25 April 2018

S09 332 Sackface

"What happens when you fart in space?" At this point I don't even remember why we called the episode "Sackface". It's a wrinkly episode. Stay tuned for the muskiness that ensues as we talk RPGs and open world games! Episode
Saturday, 14 April 2018

S09 331 Dusty Python

Hey all! It's the first episode in a long time without Tetris included! We talk Far Cry 5 and why it's pretty alright so far. We go into why a HOTAS is cool. If you didn't know, listener discretion is advised. We hope you laugh! Love the Tiltcast! Episode
Saturday, 07 April 2018

S09 330 Perry Vader

Be prepared for the most inaccurate Tyler Perry impersonations ever. Probably the worst you have ever heard. Honestly, it's bad. Really bad. We also talk games. Still working with Elite Dangerous and some EA Stawr Warz game. Stay tuned for a rant against Bit Coin Miners and the depression that is a dead video card. Episode
Sunday, 01 April 2018

S09 329 Work'n'Poops

It's an episode filled with tales from the dark end of the spectrum. We talk about our work/life balance, lack of sleep and space games. Tune in to this week's life in delirium! Episode
Monday, 26 March 2018

S09 328 Thunder Thighs

"Not the Mama!" We are late posting this because Jason and Nauss got lost in Elite Dangerous this weekend. Either way, it's a full episode full of games and exhaustion. We go through comics, movies, old TV shows and Sci Fi. It's pretty all over the place though "not the mama". Stay tuned for waltz through memory lane as well as some reviews. Episode
Wednesday, 14 March 2018

S09 327 Spoon Sheep

We are back! We start off with a little Tetris this week with the Rusty corner. We talk treachery and McNulty and talk tactics with Nauss. It's late episode but we are definitely coming back with a vengeance. It's a time change episode that is Springing forward with games. Stay tuned! Episode
Sunday, 04 March 2018

S09 326 Fancy Rex

Mamorpagers!?! Top hats and little hands aside, we took a break last week since half of us were sick. We are back yet again. Stick with us as we do start to deviate from our comfort games. Stay tuned!! Episode
Friday, 23 February 2018

S09 325 From Past to Future

These cars might just send you past the future and straight to hell! We are back in action. We had a late start and a late post and we apologize. Welcome to the car crash cast! We go into video games at a certain point and do provide plenty of review to an anime game. Stay tuned! Episode
Thursday, 15 February 2018

S09 324 Cheap Butt Steak

Running a little late but still within the week, it's the Tiltcast! Yet again! We speak a little bit about pineapple juice, steaks and social not norms. Take a couple hours and dive in with us while we explore some cheap humor as well as some games. Stay tuned! Episode
Wednesday, 07 February 2018

S09 323 Poke it With My Lance

Something about mages... This week we still manage to talk some games even though Rusty is playing a mumorpuger. Rusty does go in depth with Final Fantasy Online and Nauss struggles to get into some deep lancing cuts on Monster Hunter World. Stay tuned! Episode
Tuesday, 30 January 2018

S09 322 Burn My Eyes

This week we have an extra cast member! We delve into some pretty shocking content that leaves half of us slightly confused. We also talk games! Stay tuned! Episode
Sunday, 21 January 2018

S09 321 Schissors

Experience some tales of division that you have probably never heard before! It's the first real episode of the year that isn't game overkill. Join us for bizarre Reddit discussions as well as some talk about what are playing on our off time. Episode
Sunday, 14 January 2018

S09 320 GOTY 2017 Part 2

A motherfucking biased GOTY! OH MY JESUS, this is the mothership of Tiltcast episodes. We had Trent back on the show to help us finalize our GOTY 2017 in 2018. Be prepared to laugh your butts off as we somehow stay on the topic of game of the year while still managing to laugh. It's a humor filled episode that shouldn't leave you wanting. Stay tuned! Categories: Tiltcast Totally Biased Top 5... Fan favorites (Ian Kost and the Nimp)... Wish I had Finished... Biggest Surprise... Most Overhyped... Worth a Meantion... Best VR... Biggest Timesink... Totally Biased Worst Game... Most Anticipated for 2018... Episode
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